Click to Play 🤪 ESC to Pause

WASD to move | SPACE to jump | CLICK to shoot

🤖⚡️🤖 Save the planet from the Failure Robot 🤖⚡️🤖 !

Top 10 score all time
Name Level Nb of Robot Date
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991

Song : Paper Yellow Music

Game Over

You've stop robot.

You've reach level .

Save your score or not if you suck

Top 10 score all time
Name Level Nb of Robot Date
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991
Chris 18 29092 10.02.1991

Robot Out: | Level:
hits ratio: | distace:
Health: | Ammo:
Draw call: | Triangles: